Lines and Wrinkles
Visible signs of ageing can include fine lines and wrinkles. They will appear in all skin types and are often a result of environmental stressors that we are exposed to on a daily basis. Whilst the appearance of fine-lines and wrinkles can be reduced, it is far better to protect your skin in the first place.
What Causes Wrinkles and Fine Lines

What Causes Wrinkles and Fine Lines
• Ageing – as you age, you skin becomes less clear and more wrinkles are visible.
• Using too many skin products – we all know that less is more, but sadly this rule is frequently ignored when it comes to using beauty products. We feel tempted to buy and try skin care goods that claim anti ageing properties, which in some cases irritate skin and cause inflammation.
• Skipping sunscreen – ever wondered how celebrities seem to defy the laws of ageing? We know the answer. Many well-known names swear by high-factor SPF sunscreens and lotions to keep their skin looking youthful. It’s not a surprise, though – a daily sunscreen habit (all year round) will not only positively affect your complexion, but also protect your health.
• Cigarettes – smoking cigarettes is a bad addiction to have at any stage of your life, but are you aware that cigarettes also contribute to skin ageing, including wrinkles?
• Leaving your makeup on overnight – feeling too lazy to remove your makeup before bedtime? Believe it or not, sleeping with your makeup on can speed up the ageing process, leaving you with fine lines and wrinkles.
• Air pollution – according to specialists, toxins in the air cause wrinkles, dark spots and blemishes as well as premature ageing.
• Nighttime routine – Your sleeping position can play a significant role in developing wrinkles and fine lines. Often referred to as ‘side sleeping wrinkles’ these small folds are formed during the night as a result of squeezing your face against the pillow and are very likely to become permanent.
• Bad food choices – a well-balanced diet has as much impact on your complexion appearance as your lifestyle and genes.
Wrinkle Treatment

Wrinkle Treatment
Since ageing is a natural process that we can’t prevent, we should focus our efforts on minimising damage to our skin. There is no secret recipe to getting your skin looking youthful and healthy though – all you can do is to make the signs of ageing less visible by putting some extra effort to your skin care routine. Here is how!
Leave your bad habits behind
Bad habits just like cigarettes, poor diet and being inconsistent with your beauty routine are the skin’s worst enemies. When it comes to dieting, wrinkle-friendly foods to avoid include refined sugars, processed or overly cooked meals and pasteurised milk products. Instead, try to increase your consumption of bone broth, which is full of miracle ingredients for skin such as collagen and protein that give you both perfect, young looking skin, and healthy hair and nails!
A glass of red wine every night sounds appealing? Although the benefits of having a glass of red are often cited, in order to keep your skin wrinkle-free try keeping your alcohol intake to a minimum.
We’re highly in favour of quitting cigarettes too – they contain carbon monoxide, which is responsible for displacing the oxygen in your skin as well as nicotine that reduces blood flow, leaving your skin dry and discoloured.
Choose your hero product and re-think your beauty routine
While having multiple products in your bathroom cabinet sounds like a good idea, sticking to one hero product is even better.
According to experts, many women make the mistake of using too many products in their daily beauty regimes. This applies to both makeup and skin care, and can hurt your complexion with unwanted wrinkles and fine lines, not to mention red and irritated skin.
So if you are looking for an answer on how to prevent wrinkles, start with reviewing your makeup bag and re-think the way you apply the products – the order you use the products should go from thin to thick consistency after you cleanse i.e. toner, serum, cream.
Worried about under eye wrinkles and forehead lines?
According to scientists, people can routinely pull 21 distinct faces using the same facial muscles. Did you just raise your eyebrows in incredulity? There you go.
As we laugh and express ourselves every day, it should come as no surprise that the very first signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines develop on you face first. A groove forms on your skin the moment you move one of your facial muscles, and there is no obvious way to avoid them - unless you stop showing your emotions forever!
To easily target wrinkles around eyes as well as smile wrinkles, start with changing your daily lifestyle habits. Sleeping on your side, for example, may release free radicals that damage your skin cells. Instead, try to change your bed position and i.e. sleep on your back or consider changing your regular pillow to an anti-ageing one.
To successfully get rid of wrinkles on your face, try to limit your exposure to the sun too; keeping away from harmful UV rays can accelerate the process of producing new collagen to maintain elastic and wrinkle-free skin.
Target environmental influence on your skin
Living in the big city is great, but it can be also dangerous due to air pollution levels. From wrinkles and redness to dullness and greasiness, air pollution should be avoided where possible, as it can be as ageing as the sun.
To ease environmental damage to your skin, start your day with the ultimate protection by applying a moisturiser enriched with SPF 15 (or greater) right on your face – and don’t forget about your lips! A good moisturising cream will hydrate the skin and create a barrier between your skin and free radicals, what will effectively help you to protect your complexion from other pollutants too.
Fines Lines and Wrinkle Treatment Available
The Obagi Nu-Derm systems helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating fresh skin cell growth deep in the dermis and removing older tired skin on the surface. The active ingredients have long been recognised as the gold standard for medical skincare and Obagi has been recognised in the UK Aesthetics Awards for 5 years in row. experts. The Pro-C range offers a daily antioxidant protection greater than other Vit –C products. prevent skin cell damage. Combined with a daily hydration routine, it gives your skin back its natural glow.
Additionally, Obagi Professional-C Serums have been developed and tested by leading vitamin C experts. The Pro-C range offers a daily antioxidant protection greater than other Vit –C products. By neutralising the naturally occurring free radicals in the skin, Pro-C helps to prevent skin cell damage. Combined with a daily hydration routine, it gives your skin back its natural glow.